Dental Indemnity
Introduction of dental indemnity and support services to the U.K. dental profession is our primary goal.
Dental indemnity, as a topic, can be confusing with so much jargon. Given the variety of products on offer it can take considerable time to fully understand what as a dental professional you need to protect.
It is our firmly held belief that the terms of your cover should be clear by definition and should be guaranteed by way of a contract of insurance. As dental professionals you are encouraged to take the time to appraise yourself of the facts. Essentially, prior to purchasing an indemnity product to gain the knowledge of what you need to protect yourself without gaps in cover or reliance on another person’s discretion.
The policy introduced by TDS (E&W) Ltd provides a wide scope of cover with clearly defined terms, within a simple pricing matrix. This saves you precious time whilst ensuring you fully understand the introduced, non-discretionary, regulated loss-occurring policy of insurance with contingent past cover by way of a prior acts clause.
Loss Occurring: This type of policy covers your insurable period in perpetuity. There is no need for run-off cover from your cessation date of your policy.
Contingent past cover by way of a prior acts clause: Meaning if your previous indemnifier fails to provide cover, in writing, then the policy will be triggered via the prior acts clause. This addresses the issue of past liabilities and can give peace of mind to clinicians and patients.
This offering provides a solution to what the profession needs and will allow TDS (E&W) Ltd to focus on you as clients without having the debate over types of policies.
Separately a fantastic 24-hour advice line with employed dentists and claims advisers on hand to provide a highly rated service when you need it.
We are available to talk through this topic to help ensure you understand the risks, obligations and covers available. Please contact our join team today or book a call back!